Grade IV Cystocele with Unilateral Hydronephrosis. |
Sang Woong Jang, Whan Kim, Young Beom Jeong, Young Kyung Park |
Department of Urology, Chonbuk National University College of Medicine, Jeonju, Korea. |
A cystocele is present when the bladder base descends below the inferior ramus of the symphysis pubis either at rest or with straining. A severe cystocele can combined with voiding difficulty, back pain, hydronephrosis, and renal failure and it must be corrected surgically. We report a case of grade IV cystocele with unilateral hydronephrosis which was incidentally found in 67-year-old female. She was asymptomatic and underwent cystocele repair using prolene mesh and TVT (Tension-free Vaginal Tape). The left hydronephrosis and marked cystocele were normalized 3 months after operation. |
Cystocele; Unilateral hydronephrosis; Mesh; TVT |