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Int Neurourol J > Volume 23(3); 2019 > Article
Moon: A Message From the New Editor-in-Chief
I am very honored to succeed Professor Tack Lee, as Editor-in-Chief of the International Neurourology Journal (INJ). Professor Lee not only led INJ for 10 years, but also embarked on its internationalization by renaming the journal in 2010 and translating previously published issues from Korean to English. Professor Lee also spearheaded the process through which INJ was listed as the first Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) journal from South Korea in the field of urology. As he encouraged me to join the editorial board of INJ, I express my sincere gratitude for his efforts and accomplishments.
INJ is a journal that publishes basic and clinical research articles in the field of neurourology. It was founded in 1997 as the Journal of the Korean Continence Society and changed its name to International Neurourology Journal (INJ) in April 2010. INJ publishes cutting-edge, outstanding papers on both fundamental and clinical research in neurourology. Since its foundation, Professor Dong Hwan Lee, Jeong Gu Lee, Cheol Hee Park, and Hyung Jee Kim have served as Editors-in-Chief, a role in which they have helped to develop INJ. The impact factor (IF) of INJ has risen steadily, and the current 2018 IF is 1.899.
I am very thankful for our associate editors, Khae Hawn Kim, Young Sam Cho, and Su Jin Kim, who have been working tirelessly for the development of INJ. I am also very proud to be working with Deputy Editor-in-Chief Professor Karl-Erik Andersson and Professor Lori Birder. They have significantly contributed to INJ by providing superb papers on basic and clinical neurourology, and I hope they will continue their collaboration with INJ in the future [1-4]. I would like to express my appreciation for the many researchers who have sent us high-quality basic research papers and the exceptional work of our manuscript editor, Hwan Tae Ahn [5-8]. I have invited some leading international researchers to join INJ’s editorial board, and am planning to invite more. Thank you to all for accepting these invitations.
Prospectively, I will not only invite papers on basic research, but also expand the scope of articles to encompass clinical reviews, clinical trials, surgical innovations, biological engineering, and new technologies. INJ welcomes review articles and meta-analyses as contributions. INJ will continue to publish high-quality basic research and evidence-based clinical research papers, as well as thoroughly verifying the results. Falsely designed or fabricated papers will never be published in INJ. The quality of the journal is corroborated by its excellent content, and I will devote my utmost efforts to expand INJ by inviting high-quality papers from international researchers in the field of neurourology.


Conflict of Interest
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.


1. Williams JK, Mariya S, Suparto I, Lankford SS, Andersson KE. Cell versus chemokine therapy effects on cell mobilization to chronically dysfunctional urinary sphincters of nonhuman primates. Int Neurourol J 2018;22:260-7. PMID: 30599497
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2. Possover M, Andersson KE, Forman A. Neuropelveology: an emerging discipline for the management of chronic pelvic pain. Int Neurourol J 2017;21:243-6. PMID: 29298475
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3. Andersson KE, Birder L. Current pharmacologic approaches in painful bladder research: an update. Int Neurourol J 2017;21:235-42. PMID: 29298474
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4. Ikeda Y, Wolf-Johnston A, Roppolo JR, Buffington CAT, Birder L. Feline Interstitial cystitis enhances mucosa-dependent contractile responses to serotonin. Int Neurourol J 2018;22:246-51. PMID: 30599495
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5. Hong H, Kim BS, Im HI. Pathophysiological role of neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders. Int Neurourol J 2016;20(Suppl 1):S2-7. PMID: 27230456
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6. Han JH, Kim SE, Ko IG, Kim J, Kim KH. Afferent pathway-mediated effect of α1 adrenergic antagonist, tamsulosin, on the neurogenic bladder after spinal cord injury. Int Neurourol J 2017;21:178-88. PMID: 28954467
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7. Han I, Kwon BS, Park HK, Kim KS. Differentiation potential of mesenchymal stem cells is related to their intrinsic mechanical properties. Int Neurourol J 2017;21(Suppl 1):S24-31. PMID: 28446012
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8. Hussaini SMQ, Jang MH. New roles for old glue: astrocyte function in synaptic plasticity and neurological disorders. Int Neurourol J 2018;22(Suppl 3):S106-14. PMID: 30396259
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Official Journal of Korean Continence Society & ESSIC (International Society for the Study of BPS) & Korean Society of Urological Research & The Korean Children’s Continence and Enuresis Society & The Korean Association of Urogenital Tract Infection and Inflammation & Korean Society of Geriatric Urological Care
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