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Greetings from New Editor-in-Chief
NameKhae Hawn KimDate2021-08-04
Khae Hawn Kim
ORCID iD  0000-0002-7045-8004
Department of Urology, Chungnam National University Sejong Hospital, Chungnam National University, Sejong, Korea

The International Neurourology Journal (INJ, is the official journal of the Korean Continence Society (, a sub-society of the Korean Urological Association (
In recent years, the efforts of the journal's senior editors have raised the status of INJ and greatly increased its impact factor. In particular, I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Taek Lee and Prof. Hong Sang Moon for their efforts as editors-in-chief. The help of the president and other members of the society has also provided support for INJ to rise to a higher academic position. I feel grateful to serve as the editor-in-chief at such an important time when INJ can rapidly grow into a leading journal in the field of urology, but at the same time, I feel a great sense of responsibility.
In this situation, I have to reconsider the direction of INJ. Through INJ, we have pursued the convergence of urology and neurology, and we should continue to do so. INJ has published 4 regular issues and 2 supplemental issues each year. I will continue to follow this publication plan. Regularly published articles should focus on urological diseases to improve the quality of INJ. In contrast, supplementary issues should be managed as special features dedicated to nonurological diseases, such as neurological diseases, or treatment strategies. Through this process, INJ will establish itself as a journal with a global profile.
I embark upon service as the editor-in-chief with the intention of placing a small stone on top of a tall tower, and it is time to gather the wisdom of the editorial board members and strive for the development of INJ. I would like to request honest and open feedback, along with assistance in a spirit of collaboration.
Thank you very much

Journal Impact Factor 1.8
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Official Journal of Korean Continence Society & ESSIC (International Society for the Study of BPS) & Korean Society of Urological Research & The Korean Children’s Continence and Enuresis Society & The Korean Association of Urogenital Tract Infection and Inflammation & Korean Society of Geriatric Urological Care
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